Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Food Fail: Coconut Flour Biscuits

I had a wild craving for biscuits this week. Biscuits with butter and jam. Biscuits with bacon and cheese. Lovely light and fluffy biscuits with a crunchy top. So I decided to do a little experiment and see if I could get close to those biscuits I remember using coconut flour.

I've seen other SCD recipes for biscuits. But they just don't get it done. So I improvised and produced this:

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The driest, heaviest, grossest biscuit ever!  Or should I say 8 of them.  My improvised recipe was a total fail.  Not enough binding ingredients.  Not enough leavening.  Common problems with coconut flour to be sure.  But still a real disappointment. 

If anyone has any tips, tricks, or recipes to try let me know.  These didn't ease my craving for biscuits at all.  Now I just wonder if I can find a way to use them. . .


Simply...Gluten-free said...

Oh NO! Well they say we learn more from our failures than our wins. Maybe crumb them up and use as a topping?

Christy said...

Haha! I definitely learned a few things from this failure. I've been thinking about crumbling them up (mostly because they do that fine on their own), so that's a great suggestion. Maybe some type of "cobbler". . .