Friday, August 20, 2010

Ugly Pics and Linkies: Friday 8/20/10

Hi Everybody!  If you've read my blog before you'll notice something about me.  I'm not a great food photographer.  Taking beautiful pictures of food is definitely a skill and an art.  I'm working on it but I clearly have a lot of work to do.  What you might not know is that I'm don't take great pictures of other things either.  So in the spirit of fun I thought I'd share some of my more spectacular picture failures.

I feed the birds every morning and thoroughly enjoy watching them.  Yesterday I tried to take a few pictures of what I see every day.

This is a cardinal.

This is a red-headed woodpecker.

'Nuff said about my photography skills.  Haha!

And since it's Friday I thought I'd take some time to put together a few of the things that caught my eye this week.  Click away if you want to check them out.

Food Related:

Other Stuffies:


SFK said...

Hey Christy,

Just found your blog! I really enjoyed catching up on your journey to healing on the SCD Diet, congrats! I have been on it over a year and still going strong. I have been blogging over at too, check it out when you have some time. Look forward to staying in touch.


Christy said...

Hi Jordan! Thanks for stopping by. I've been reading your blog for a while. Or rather, lurking. I especially enjoyed the post on adding in new foods. I recommended it to someone just yesterday.

Keep the good stuff coming!


Simply...Gluten-free said...

Hi Christy,

Just found your blog, love your sense of humor and your journey!


Christy said...

Thanks, Carol! Welcome! Stop by any time.